Choose Cosmetic Dentistry This Summer

Would you love to improve the appearance of your smile for your upcoming summer event? At Chichetti & Patel Dental Wellness, we have a cosmetic dentistry solution for you! We offer a number of treatments that can bring about any change you would like to see with your smile. The summer is a popular time for events, such as weddings, graduation parties, reunions, and vacations. If you have been unhappy with your teeth, now is a great time to learn more about how we can help.

Perfect Time To Restore Oral Health

At Chichetti & Patel Dental Wellness, we love to help our patients restore and transform their teeth and smiles. It can be disheartening when you don’t love the smile you see when you look in the mirror. Improving your oral health can improve your quality of life. If you are unhappy with the appearance or function of your teeth, we offer a number of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments to make any change you wish to see. We recently had the privilege of working with one of our patients to improve the appearance of her teeth. As you can see from the before and after images, the changes were remarkable.

Could You Need A Dental Crown?

As careful as we may be, an accident can happen at any time. If you experience an accident and your mouth or teeth are affected, it is important to remain calm and contact our office as soon as possible. We provide treatments that can fix any problem you may be facing. When you visit our office, we will determine which procedure, if any, is needed. A dental crown is one treatment that we commonly recommend for patients who experience a dental emergency due to trauma to the mouth or decay that has been left to progress. Are you familiar with this common treatment?

What A Smile Makeover Could Do For You

Would you love to improve the appearance of your smile? Time is not always kind to our teeth and mouths. Certain things can take a toll on your smile. Bad habits, food habits, poor oral hygiene, a lack of professional dental care, gum disease, and wear and tear can all negatively impact the appearance of your teeth. We are able to help treat even the most damaged and neglected smile and restore it to its former brilliance. One way we are able to do this is with a smile makeover. Read on to learn more about a smile makeover and how we can improve your smile.

Look At This Amazing Full Mouth Restoration!

We use our teeth multiple times every day, and honestly, we don’t always treat them as well as we should. Some of us have a habit of chewing on things we shouldn’t, others may not clean their teeth as well as they should, and others do not visit the dentist as often as they should. One of the best things about dentistry is that with the updates to treatments and dental technology, we are able to improve any problem you are experiencing with your oral health. From time to time, we see a patient who is experiencing such complications with their oral health that we need to complete a total restoration. We never want our patients to feel self-conscious or that we are judging them by the state of their teeth. We recently had the opportunity to work with a patient who was experiencing complications with all of his teeth. His before and after pictures are truly remarkable. Click here to see the photos and learn more about restoring your oral health.

Check Out This Smile Transformation!

When you look at your smile in the mirror, are you unhappy with what you see? Although our teeth are designed to last our entire lives, sometimes we are not happy with their appearance or they do not remain healthy. We are happy to help patients who experience a variety of dental issues, including dental decay and severe enamel breakdown. We recently completed a dental transformation for one of our patients. The before and after photos are truly remarkable. We used various treatments, including aligner therapy as well as ceramic crowns.