Are You Suffering From TMD?

Do you find yourself regularly waking up with a headache? Or do you frequently experience discomfort in your face and neck? If so, you may be experiencing the symptoms of a common condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder, also called TMD. This condition leaves patients with chronic issues that affect the muscles of the face and the temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge that connects the jaw to the skull. You can feel this joint when you touch the back of your jaw near your ear and then open and close your mouth.

How To Get A Perfect Smile

Do you watch your favorite movie star and stare longingly at their beautiful, perfect smile? If you find yourself admiring the smiles of others because they appear perfect, there is a very good chance they have had cosmetic dental treatment. One cosmetic dental treatment in particular is often referred to as the “movie star treatment” because it leaves you with a beautiful, perfect smile. This treatment is called dental veneers. Interested in knowing more about this treatment and how it can improve your smile? Read on to learn more.

Preparing Your Child For Their First Dental Visit

At Chichetti & Patel Dental Wellness, we are happy to treat every member of your family. In fact, there is nothing more special than when a young person visits our office for their first dental visit. It is always exciting when a child reaches a new milestone in their life, and we feel a first dental visit is one of the best experiences. The child is learning about the importance of dental health from a young age. Once the first tooth emerges, or around the time of the child’s first birthday, it is time to visit the dentist for the first time. If you are reading this and realize your child has yet to visit the dentist, that is no problem at all because there is no time like the present to schedule an appointment.

Look At This Amazing Full Mouth Restoration!

We use our teeth multiple times every day, and honestly, we don’t always treat them as well as we should. Some of us have a habit of chewing on things we shouldn’t, others may not clean their teeth as well as they should, and others do not visit the dentist as often as they should. One of the best things about dentistry is that with the updates to treatments and dental technology, we are able to improve any problem you are experiencing with your oral health. From time to time, we see a patient who is experiencing such complications with their oral health that we need to complete a total restoration. We never want our patients to feel self-conscious or that we are judging them by the state of their teeth. We recently had the opportunity to work with a patient who was experiencing complications with all of his teeth. His before and after pictures are truly remarkable. Click here to see the photos and learn more about restoring your oral health.

What To Know About Sleep Apnea

Have you been told by family members that you snore loudly and keep them up at night? Or do you wake up in the morning feeling like you barely got any sleep? If so, there is a chance you are experiencing sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious condition that greatly affects your overall health. It can lead to a number of serious health complications, and when left untreated, it can take a number of years off your life. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from sleep apnea remain undiagnosed.

Should You Be Concerned About Your Child’s Breathing?

Does your child breathe through their mouth instead of their nose? Or does your child experience frequent ear infections, sinus infections, allergies, asthma attacks, or acid reflux? If you answered yes, then it’s possible that your child has an obstructed airway and poor facial development. We know this can be incredibly alarming to parents, but we are here to help with a solution. Read on to learn more about a pre-orthodontic treatment that can improve your child’s quality of life.

Dental Health And Wellness Is Important

At Chichetti & Patel Dental Wellness, we are passionate about helping our patients with their overall health and wellness. This is why we stress the importance of regular oral hygiene examination visits in our office for you and your family. Even if you clean your teeth perfectly and are passionate about your oral hygiene, routine visits are still necessary. During these appointments, we not only thoroughly clean the teeth and remove any lingering plaque and bacteria, but we also inspect for any signs of decay, gum disease, and oral cancer.

Sure Smile For A Straight Smile

Would you love to straighten your teeth but are not interested in the hassle of traditional metal braces? We completely understand that metal braces can be cumbersome and have a number of restrictions that may not be ideal for many adult patients. Did you know that we can help you improve the placement of your teeth with another orthodontic treatment? This method is popular with many of our patients because of the number of benefits this treatment offers. Read on to learn about this wonderful orthodontic treatment option.

Gum Disease Awareness Month

At Chichetti & Patel Dental Wellness, we believe in achieving optimal oral health and also in what dental wellness can do for your overall health as well. This is one of the reasons we are so passionate about our patients receiving routine oral care in our office. There is a link between oral health conditions and overall health. One example is gum disease. Since February is Gum Disease Awareness Month, we want to share some more information about this common disease and how a lack of treatment can cause great harm to your oral health as well as your overall health.

Check Out This Smile Transformation!

When you look at your smile in the mirror, are you unhappy with what you see? Although our teeth are designed to last our entire lives, sometimes we are not happy with their appearance or they do not remain healthy. We are happy to help patients who experience a variety of dental issues, including dental decay and severe enamel breakdown. We recently completed a dental transformation for one of our patients. The before and after photos are truly remarkable. We used various treatments, including aligner therapy as well as ceramic crowns.